
CINvSKC Quotes: "Everybody gave everything but unfortunately it wasn’t enough"


Sporting KC Manager Peter Vermes

Thoughts on the match…

Our team played very well. We scored three goals. And at the end we got the game taken away from us. That's simply put. I don't know what else you would like me to say other than our team played very well. In the second half, we were very organized and we created great chances even being a man down. We scored, obviously. And to suffer the tie, if you will, off of that decision is very, very disappointing for a bunch of guys that worked their butts off in the game. It just is. It's unfortunate. But unfortunately, too many times we see this in this game where things like this get taken away from you.

On Alan Pulido’s red card…

I haven't talked to him. I only saw the very end of it. It was a red card. That was a red card for sure. The action before it, I couldn't see down the sideline. There were too many people standing up, so I couldn't see. But I'll watch it later.

On the red card and penalty…

We should not put ourselves in that position to be down a man. But, as always, it happens in games. People make mistakes. Players make mistakes. And, in this situation, the right decision was made and the player was dealt with accordingly. But our team then played very well in regards to defending and then countering, and we put ourselves in a position to win the game 3-2 at the end, finding a way to come back even after they tied us by going up again. Unfortunately, like I said, you now get what you get there in the last couple of seconds of the game. How do you say it? I'm being nice. I'm saying it's disappointing, but I could say some other words. But I’m sure most people wouldn't like it, so I won't.

On the performance…

I just think the team played very well. I really do. The team was confident. They moved the ball well and possession was good. They defended well. They were organized and they dealt with all the different things that went on in the game. Unfortunately, it was taken from them. I feel bad for them from that perspective because they did a hell of a job with their effort and their focus and their concentration and scoring three goals away from home. Very good, very high level so I’m proud of them from that perspective.

On the takeaways from the game…

Cincinnati, they're playing very well. They're an organized team. They're good and they're confident. But, make no mistake about it, we also came in and we scored three goals. What do I take away from it? I think we came here and we played well and unfortunate circumstances that occurred there at the end. Now we have just got to start working for next week and get ready to play Chivas next Monday.

Sporting KC midfielder Gadi Kinda

Thoughts on the game…

We were down a man but it was a good game. Everybody gave everything but unfortunately it wasn’t enough, but we keep going and fighting for the next game.

On playing down a man…

It was really tough. It’s not easy, but I think we played very good with the ball. We tried to keep the ball as much as we can and tried to get the three points. We didn't do that, but we will try to get it in the next game.

On preparing for Chivas with Alan Pulido suspended…

Alan scores a lot of goals for us, but we have enough good players. We will try to win the game for him. I believe in everybody and the player that (replaces) him will need to be (at their) best. I hope we will make it.

On the match-up with FC Cincinnati…

For me it's the same. I think in this league all the teams are very good. Every team can beat any team. So I didn't feel something different today. Tough game, they are a very good team, but for me it was the same.

On getting a road result…

They have a good team and they are doing very good this season. But I think if we are not down one man, we're supposed to win this game. We played very good. We started very good. But unfortunately it was not enough. And, like I said, we will try to find the points in a different game.