
Danny Flores: From Aspiration to Inspiration


Now known for his midfield work with Sporting Kansas City, Danny Flores was once a kid from the Bay Area of California who didnā€™t know what his future held. Danny always had a passion for soccer, but his seriousness for the sport began around seven years old. From pickup soccer with friends to club soccer, Danny quickly realized his talent for the sport.

ā€œWhen I joined a club, like, my first ever game, I. I didn't start that game. And then I came on like the last, like twenty minutes, ten minutes or whatever. And I ended up scoring five goals. Everybody was like, ā€˜Oh, this kid's goodā€™. Thatā€™s when I was like, okay, I might be pretty good at this sport. But then, ever since then, I just remember always being so involved in soccer, and my family was just super supportive of it throughout my whole childhood, and they always believed in me.ā€

Dannyā€™s family is from Guadalajara, Jalisco, and the small town of Cocula. When growing up in California, Danny would speak Spanish with his grandma and a mixture of English and Spanish with the rest of his family. Each December, Danny returns to Mexico, immersing himself in the holiday festivities that celebrate family, laughter, and the joy of togetherness. ā€œOver there, you work to have fun,ā€ he noted, contrasting the carefree lifestyle of his parentā€™s homeland with the hustle and bustle of American life.

While growing up in both American and Mexican cultures can be hard to navigate for some, Danny acknowledges the struggles but highlights the beauty of living in both worlds, crediting it to who he is.

ā€œYou definitely get stuck in between, but at the end of the day, it's like, I mean, you are who you are. You know, I was blessed to be, to at least feel both cultures and to be surrounded by both cultures. So, I mean, just blessed to be in a position, honestly.ā€

Soccer and Mexican culture are so seamlessly intertwined that young kids pick their teams early in life and follow their clubs until adulthood. One would guess that Danny would be a fan of his Chivas of Guadalajara based on where his family is from, but Danny surprised everyone by rooting for their archrivals, Club America. But that decision did not come out of the blue; Danny was influenced by his uncle, whom he looked up to.

ā€œI think it's because, so I have one uncle that I really looked up to who played soccer. And he was like the only America fan from our family. So, like, I always looked up to him. I always wanted to be like him for some reason. And, he was just like, yeah, Like, I'm an America fan, you should come, and you should support us. And then I was like five years old. So, then I was like, okay. And then, ever since I was five years old, I've always been an American fan.ā€

Danny looked up to his uncle, and that influenced him, but now Danny finds himself in the position to influence those around him. This year, Danny had a unique opportunity that brought his journey full circle when he visited the Guadalupe Centers Middle School. During a special event where Sporting Kansas City donated school supplies and athletic equipment, he encountered a group of excited kids who reminded him of himself at their age. As he engaged with the kids, Danny recognized the power of his presence.

ā€œI remember being in those kids' shoes,ā€ he says, reflecting on the joy of meeting special guests and the anticipation that came with it. In that moment, the roles reversed; he transformed from a child inspired by his uncle into an inspiring figure for these young students.

ā€œYou get to be that role model and that, like, exciting surprise guests for these kids,ā€ Danny said. ā€œIt's crazy because, honestly, like, as a kid, you always dream of being someone in life, but you don't expect it. You're not really thinking about it. But now that I'm in this position, it's like your actions, your words can go a long way to these kids. And, just like, helping them out was, it just felt giving. It felt good giving back to the community.ā€

Just as his uncle had once ignited his passion for soccer, Danny now stood as a symbol of possibility for the children at the Guadalupe Centers. His visit highlighted the significance of community, heritage, and the dreams that can be nurtured through connection.

In that brief encounter, Danny Flores not only celebrated his own journey but also inspired a new generation to embrace their cultural pride and chase their dreams, just as he has done throughout his life.