
MINvSKC Quotes: "We’re trying to do everything we can"


Sporting Kansas City Manager Peter Vermes

On Sporting’s performance in the 3-1 loss…

I think the guys who started the game actually did really well, to be honest with you. We allow goals on situations where we lose a very easy ball. We don’t challenge in the box on the first goal. Other than that, I think the guys gave a great effort. If you look at the guys who came on (in the second half), they had that pursuit in trying to get a goal to get back in the game. I’m not sure what happened on the play with Willy (Agada). I didn’t see the situation when he got into the box. But we were much more direct, much more lively, and we were putting them under pressure. That’s the kind of effort we need to have for the full 90—that relentlessness going to the goal. But we’ve still got to cut out the silly goals we’ve given up.

On Sporting’s effort in the match…

I thought the first group that started was going after it. They were trying, for sure. I thought they were dangerous, and again, we’re playing against an opponent that defends and tries to go at you and win balls from you. I go back to this: the guys that came off the bench all tried to give everything they had. There was no doubt that the effort was very good. I don’t know if we got that effort in the last game. But in this game, we for sure got that effort.

On Sporting playing balls in behind the Minnesota defense…

Minnesota plays a very high line, and when you play a high line, obviously there is space in behind. When teams play a high line, they are trying to be compact and win balls in front of them. So you have to get in behind and stretch them the way we did. Alenis (Vargas) did quite a few times. Willy (Agada) did a few times. Marinos (Tzionis) did so more with the ball and his running in behind. It was a strategy in the game and I think we found a lot of success with it. We found a lot of dangerous moments, which was good.

On subbing out defenders Dany Rosero and Jake Davis in the second half…

For Dany, it was the same as (Nemanja) Radoja. Both of those guys were feeling some fatigue in their muscles, and we didn’t want to risk those guys getting long-term injuries. That was the reason for bringing those guys out. Regarding Jake, I think he was tired.

Sporting Kansas City Midfielder Felipe Hernandez

On Sporting’s performance in the 3-1 loss…

I think we came out with the right mentality. Obviously we can’t keep conceding in the first half because it’s always difficult to come back and pull yourself back into the game.

On Sporting’s difficult run of results…

We’re trying to do everything we can, but right now it’s just not working. We’re going to keep trying to do the right things and try to turn this around. Right now, it’s just not working.

On concluding a stretch of five matches in 15 days…

This stretch of games is difficult on the body. It’ll be good to get out of training for a little bit and away from the game for a little bit. Then we’ll come back and do what we can to turn it around.

On seeing his playing time increase over the last two weeks…

Every time I get an opportunity to play, I give it my all, even when we’re struggling like we are now.