
SKCvCOL Quotes: "All in all, a great performance"


Sporting Kansas City Manager Peter Vermes

On the team’s aggressiveness…

We were on the front foot from the very get go. Everybody played well, but I would say when the two guys in the midfield are as aggressive and biting as much as they were, it makes the game behind them predictable. And for us, it helps us win a lot of balls high up the field. I also think that we put them under a lot of pressure in two ways. One is we got in behind them a lot. And then the other is that we pressed really well and won a lot of balls, especially Zorhan (Bassong) and Memo (Rodriguez). They won a lot of balls, which was great.

On William Agada, Alan Pulido and Erik Thommy…

I thought Willy did a really good job. He was strong up top. He wound up being able to hold up a lot of balls and lay them off, which was really important. And he had a couple chances himself as well so that was good. On the second goal - boy, oh boy – Alan (Pulido) was himself. As I said to him, in the last six weeks to two months he's been in really good form and it's great to see. I think it has a lot to do with a lot of different things. His injury was something else and I think he's really starting to feel very good day after day after day. He's finding his own in the team for sure. And then (Erik) Thommy has played a lot of minutes and obviously I want to make sure I rotate the roster around. That was the reason for quite a few changes to this group, but I thought they played the game plan and everything to the letter.

On Alan Pulido’s brace…

I think that the good thing is we have options. It’s not that you’re stuck or you're limited. Right now -- I wouldn't say we're limitless -- but we actually have a lot of different ways in which we can put combinations of different players on the field, which is excellent. I think the other thing too is that there's no doubt that Alan has this kind of level in him. And as I said, he's had great form for probably the last two months. We're also playing him in better places on the field. If you look at the second goal where he gets the ball in the box, if you give him a chance from anywhere in that area, he's scoring. It's just what he does and we haven't found enough chances like that. I bet you when I look tomorrow at the amount of distance covered by him, he's everywhere. He's making the game. He's getting the ball off the outside backs. He's in great spots and he's keeping the game alive for us. And he knows how to come and get numbers up in certain situations. That's what's really helping us immensely. Then what (Erik) Thommy does when he comes on is that Thommy is like a missile. He's a direct guy. So you bring him on and all of a sudden he gets it and we're going. You can see that front four or five guys just going to go on the counter, which now all of a sudden is at a tough time in the game for them as well because they've been under pressure quite a bit.

On providing service for Pulido…

The first thing is, I can't pass the ball so that's not going to happen. There are a couple things. One is the circulation of the ball was really good today. That's a big part of it. Our movement off the ball was some of the best. I would equate it to our game against LA when we played here at home. We had great movement off the ball probably for 60-70 minutes, and then all of a sudden for 10 minutes we didn’t. But this was a complete game in that respect and it has to do with the circulation of the ball and making sure that we're quick with it. Tonight we were.

On Pulido’s elusiveness…

That's what he has. He has that capability and that's why we have got to find him in those spots more often. The other thing too is that he has great vision. He knows how to engage a guy, to come to him and then slip the ball for the next guy and give him an extra second or two to be able to make the shot or the final pass. He's very good like that. I think it's a very good word because I use the word with Stephen Afrifa as well. At times he can be incredibly elusive and the same thing with Alan, but in a different way. Where a lot of the stuff that comes from Stephen is very athletic, Alan really knows how to set a guy up. Stephen is getting there, but their maturity is a little different in regards to the number of years they have played, but they both have that elusiveness in the game for sure.

On Khiry Shelton at right back…

His game tonight was top notch. A top game for an outside back (especially) to be able to play the way he does for the limited time that he's played there. It's incredibly rewarding for him because I know that he's had a lot of struggles, but it's incredibly rewarding for the team and for the staff because he is providing an incredible contribution right now to that back line. With him starting at right back, I think we’re probably six wins, two losses and two ties. That’s pretty good. That’s pretty good. And that has a lot to do with him being back there for sure. He covers up a lot of stuff. He chases guys down. He doesn’t make it easy for them. He’s incredible in the air so we’re getting that from him. There’s just a lot of really good things. And then he's comfortable on the ball in the back too when we come out with it.

On the team’s defense…

I think one of the things they're doing a lot better is they're managing situations in the game. There's a time to play and there's a time to just play field position and get the ball out. We still can counter press that. We may play it over the top. We still can press them in their end. If they win it, they still have got to go through 11 guys. We don't want to give the ball up and now we're all spread apart and now all of sudden they take advantage of that. They managed the game well tonight on all but the goal that they scored to be honest with you because the goal comes from us not managing that situation in the way that we should have.

On the stadium grounds crew…

I just want to say our grounds crew was unbelievable. After the two games with KU here and the way the field played, it was awesome. Those guys did a great job.

Sporting Kansas City forward Alan Pulido

On Sporting’s 4-1 win over Colorado…

I think everybody played with a very good mentality, and that is why it changed this game. Everybody pressed very well. We know Colorado is a good team, and I think we played very smart in this game. That’s the difference tonight. We are playing at home, too. When we play here at home, we always have the support of all the fans, which is very good for us. So I am very happy about the performance of the team.

On his two-goal performance…

I work (hard). It is very important to work every day, every weekend. I always want to play well and always want to score. I always want to play for the team, but sometimes in matches the (outcome) is different. The good thing is I want to continue to press forward. For tonight, this is the result of my job. I am very happy, but the more important thing is the team. This is good for me because I scored two goals, but Erik Thommy scored two goals also, and this is very important. I am very happy for the team and for the performance.

On getting back to full fitness…

I think I started this season well, but later I felt a little problem in my knee and a lot of pain. I worked to get stronger and I didn’t lose my mentality. It’s always about (hard) work, because when you work very hard this is the result. Sometimes you have the results fall short and you have to wait a little (longer), but this is my mentality and I work every day to get better. Every day I want to support the team. I am proud of the team because I think we have played better in these last couple of games. Now I feel the sensation of when we play like a team. In the middle of the season, I think we played like individuals. Now we play and actually fight as a team.

On the condition of his knee…

Yes. After I had my (knee) surgery, sometimes I felt a little pain. But I think I’m doing very good. The good thing is that I have done a lot of work to make my leg (stronger). Now I feel like I can put in a good performance. It feels (better) when I receive the ball and try to turn. I think I feel stronger right now. This is a good thing for me because I can help my team, and that is the objective. I try to put in 100% and win games.

On his second goal of the night…

I received the ball from Stephen and their central defender went at me very fast. I tried to dribble and saw an (opponent) on the other side of me so I tried shooting with my right foot. When I look up, I see the ball is in the goal. It’s amazing and I feel very happy because this made it 2-0. That made the team very calm and we needed it in that moment. I am very happy for the victory, proud of my teammates and happy for the result.

Sporting KC midfielder Erik Thommy

On the team’s mentality…

We were focused from the kickoff in almost every situation. We gave them no space to breathe. We created, especially in the first half, a lot of chances where we didn't reward ourselves. And then in the second half, I think we used our situations. It was a clear and good win.

On the team’s hunger…

We said it right before kickoff. We wanted to win that game. It's important for us. I know it's still difficult to reach the playoffs, but it's possible and we want to take the chance. Therefore we need a win in every game. So it was important for us. It's all about details. In every situation, we were extremely hungry to get the ball. Our midfield did a great job. In front, we scored. All in all, a great performance.

On scoring four goals…

I think it starts in every situation where we won the ball. Good turnover, then good transition moments, and then we rewarded ourselves. Willy (Agada) did a great job. He didn't reward himself, but he worked for the team and that's what we need. Sometimes it's not the goal scorer, it's the players around them. At the end, it's a big thing for the whole team.

On his chance at a hat trick…

I think I had two opportunities. The one where Zach Steffen saved really good. I wanted the hat trick. I think the luck was today on my side. I had a couple of games this season where I was unlucky and hit the crossbar, the post, whatever. Today, luck was on my side. With a little bit more luck, I could have a hat trick as well.