
SKCvSTL Quotes: "These are games that you want to watch as a spectator"


Sporting Kansas City Manager Peter Vermes

Thoughts on the match…

It's a game that I expected the way it would be. It would be intense. These games will continue to take on that life as we move forward. So from that perspective it was fine. I don't really think we gave up a lot in the game, to be honest with you, other than I don't know what Tim (Melia) was doing on that goal kick in the second half. Other than that, everything else was pretty much back and forth with both teams. The goalkeeper made a great save on the tip on Tim (Leibold) in the first half with his right foot, which I've never seen him do before (but he did) finally. The fact that we came back was good. We had a good mentality to do that. I think after we scored the goal, maybe we missed a little bit of push, but I think you have got to take into consideration we've had a lot of games. The guys have expended a lot of energy. I do thank the Gods today because the weather was very helpful, for sure, because if it would have been a hot day, I think it would have affected us a lot and maybe them as well. I don't know. But us a lot just because of the number of games.

On the foul by Nökkvi Thórisson…

It’s a second yellow card at a minimum. I mean, it's not even a question. What's amazing to me still is that the VAR could have sent the center over to look at it for a possible red in which he could have came back and then said, second yellow. I firmly believe that he chose not to give the second yellow because of how quick (it came after) his first yellow. It was just back to back and he didn't want to do it. There used to be a referee that was in charge. He was a referee when I played in this league and he used to be head of the referees. His name was Paul Tamberino and he's the guy that convinced me in my first year in MLS as a GM. We played a game in New England and both teams had made the playoffs. It was the last game of the season. (Claudio Lopez) went through on a breakaway. The guy pulled him from behind and he gave the guy a red card. And I was like, ‘Why are you giving the guy a red card? Just give him a yellow. He's going to the playoffs. Now he's got to sit out the first game of the playoffs.’ This game didn't mean anything. And he said, ‘You can't referee the result. As a referee, you have to referee the fouls and the laws of the game.’ And he convinced me that day in that conversation. It doesn't matter. A foul is a foul is a foul. If a guy trips you, whether he he crushes you or he trips you it's still a trip. And this is the same thing in this situation. He goes through with a straight leg. He never touches the ball. You see it all the time. Guys stand on guys legs all the time. Sometimes guys get red cards for that. But the fact that he just blows it off like it was nothing, it's because he didn't want to give him red card.

If the referee provided any explanation after the match…

He said he'll take a look at it. I said, ‘That's great, now that nobody can do anything about it.’ What's he going to do?

On the team’s chances created…

I think we were busy in and around their (box). We got in and around there but I wouldn't say that we got a ton of really open looks if you will. But again, I think there were some good chances well taken. Their goalkeeper is top. I think he's a great goalkeeper. He makes a tremendous save on Daniel (Salloi). He makes a tremendous save on Tim (Leibold). He's just a really good goalkeeper. And sometimes those guys play really well and he did tonight.

On Alan Pulido’s assist…

I think sometimes people don't realize the contributions that Alan makes because they only look at if he scored. There was a player that used to play in this league when I played. His name was Jaime Moreno. He played for D.C. United and he was a great player. When the team needed a No. 9, he was No. 9. When the team needed a No. 10, he could be a No. 10. If they needed a 7 or 11 out wide, he could go do what the game needed and he read the game. Alan has that same craftiness in the game. He's just really intelligent and instinctive. It was a great ball because he put it in a place like you can't miss, but really difficult for a lot of people to get to because they're all biting on the ball. Everybody is going towards the ball. The goal is here and they want to go to the ball. And he just takes everybody out of the game. And Willy is really good from two yards out.

On missing Jake Davis in the midfield…

I would say that we miss Jake and we also miss Memo (Rodriguez). Having that circulation of guys to be able to rotate those guys and even in games like this to bring two new guys on and just give freshness, it would have been a big help to a game like this. Johnny (Russell) is not 100 percent. That's why I took Johnny off. He didn't play in our last game at all. We didn't even dress him. But he fought through it. He’ll complain and he wants to play 90 minutes and all that stuff. I understand that and I respect that of any player who wants to play and doesn’t want to come off, but at the end of the day, he was hurting a little bit. So we had some guys that were out but I thought the other guys did a really good job in the game. They met the intensity. At times, we gave it a little bit which is good. We have got to get to that place.

On the atmosphere…

I say it all the time. It's great for the two clubs but it's great for our league. I think this is necessary. You need to have these kind of games. I just wish these kind of games were every week. It would change the environment and that's what we have to get to. I think that changes with a lot of different things. However you want to do it. There's got to be bigger purses at the end. There's got to be increased investment in players because when that happens, the competitiveness rises and it just makes a great environment I think. And these are games that you want to watch as a spectator. As a coach, these are the kind of games that I want to coach in. It was good, a great environment.

On the chemistry between Alan Pulido and Willy Agada…

It's funny. I think it was the last time Willy gave him the assist on the goal here between our two teams. And then Alan gives him a return one. I guess what I would say is that at times when we play a 4-2-3-1, those two guys complement each other in a lot of different ways. It's been a big help. And I think that's one of the reasons why we've created a lot of chances when we play that formation. I do think the way that we started in the game was actually really good. Playing the 4-3-3 was the right thing to do, but to make the adjustment afterwards -- especially with Johnny coming off -- helped us a lot getting those two together.

On the halftime message and the backline’s performance…

The message was that there's going to be a lot of chances in the second half and we're going to get our opportunity. We just need to stay patient to it. From the very beginning of the game, the whole idea was to make sure that we're incredibly compact and really realize that a lot of their game is just play the long ball, fight for second balls and try to go score on you. I thought from that perspective, we did a pretty good job. It could have been better. The second half was much better. The first half was not as good on the second balls, but outside of the goal that they scored, it wasn't as if there was a lot created by them.

Sporting Kansas City captain Johnny Russell

On the foul by Nökkvi Thórisson…

I think everyone can see clearly that it's 100 percent a second yellow if not a straight red. The referee tells me that he wins the ball and then you see it again. The contact starts just below (Nemanja) Radoja’s knee. There's very little contact on the ball so I think it's a red card. It’s definitely a second yellow if you don't want to give it the straight red. He's been let away with it. I don't know why. And then obviously he's the one that gets the goal as well. We have to do better on the play defensively, especially from our own set piece, our own corner. We have to get back quicker. But the guy, for me, shouldn't be on the field to score that.

On the team’s attack…

We had a few chances, especially in the first half. We had a few chances on goal, especially Daniel (Salloi’s) one in the first half. (Roman) Burki makes an incredible save from that one. A great reaction save to tip it over the crossbar. We created enough. We didn't have that final touch until Willy (Agada) steps up big time again for us. He's been doing it so much recently. It's a great ball. It's a great move all round -- great patience moving the ball. It's a great find by Alan (Pulido) and Willy in the right place at the right time like he has so many times. He gets another goal that he deserves as well. And I feel like we deserved it as well. I don't feel like we deserved to lose that game. These games are never the prettiest to watch, but it's about getting results and we felt that we've done enough to get the three points. But like I said earlier, just that end product wasn't there.

Sporting Kansas City goalkeeper Tim Melia

On the atmosphere…

Electric atmosphere. Our fans do such a good job coming out and supporting us no matter where we are in the table. That's what's so special about playing at this club is we have the full support of the fans. As the players on the field and the organization, we don't take that for granted. I think these games are a lot of fun for players to play in because it doesn't really matter where you sit in the table. It's an energetic, physical, tough game and I think it was that again tonight.

On the goal conceded…

I think it takes away a little bit from the team's performance defensively and even attacking wise. I think in the first half we were really good. We were creating some really good opportunities. (Roman) Burki makes some phenomenal saves. And then defensively we give away one shot. You don't want to give away a shot on an attacking corner kick. But at the end of the day, we really gave away one shot in the entire game. Especially in the first half, if we play with that mentality and with that energy and with that competition, I don't think we're sitting in the position that we're sitting in. This is coming at the end of seven games here in however much time it's been. So I'm incredibly happy with the way we played in the first half. I think we could have been a little bit more energetic in the second half. They started to sit back a little bit. They weren't as aggressive and I wish we had taken advantage of that. But we dug ourselves out. Alan comes in and plays a great ball to Willy and Willy does his thing and dunks it. I think if we were a little bit more direct, maybe we'd get that second goal but we have got to look at the positives.

On his goal kick…

Crazy. Crazy. I think the strange thing about it is I knew I couldn't touch it, so I just positioned myself. But it was one of those plays where I just put the ball down, pick my head up. I was in the process of doing something. I see kind of something change and I try to just stop my leg and it doesn't stop. It just hits my toe, rolls in and then I'm in a scenario where I knew I couldn't touch the ball. So I was just like let me just get up to him and sit behind the ball and he was just as confused. So I think it worked out to my advantage. But an ugly scramble and lucky nothing happened. I can laugh about it now but it was just one of those moments where I tried to stop my foot and it just carried through and hit my toe and played in.

On Roman Burki…

He's just good. He makes so many saves to keep that team in games. In a normal scenario, I think it's 2-0 and it's a completely different game. But he's just made so many good saves and he's been so consistent over the last call it a year and three quarters. So they're lucky to have him. He’s a good goalie.

On the foul by Nökkvi Thórisson…

That is just kind of crazy to me. A professional foul on the first one when he holds Willy -- an easy yellow card. A player comes over the ball -- I haven't seen a replay and I don't care if he touches the ball -- and goes through the shin of a player. That is a (second yellow). Not enough for a full red card. That is the easiest decision in the world to be a second yellow. And the fact that's the player that scores, it's just unfortunate. But to me that's a easy, easy second yellow and shouldn't even be a discussion.

On the congested schedule and upcoming Leagues Cup…

I think the guys need some rest. I think we'll get a day or two here. I think we have been going after it here for a couple of weeks. Anytime we have the opportunity to play in those quicker competitions for a trophy, I think it's exciting. We're at home. These are all things that we should really enjoy and try to really not let slip out of our fingertips.

Referee Rubiel Vazquez (via MLS pool reporter)

In the opinion of the referee, why did the foul called on Nokkvi Thorisson (29) for his challenge on Nemanja Radoja (6) in the 36th minute not rise to the level of serious foul play (SFP)?

The challenge was committed in a careless manner and did not rise to the level of serious foul play, due to the negligible force.

Why did the contact not rise to a cautionable offense despite studs shown and contact made with a straight leg?

The challenge was committed in a careless manner but did not rise to a cautionable offense, due to the negligible contact.