We are a supporters group based out of Johnson County, KS dedicating our passion for the beautiful game for the one and only KC Wiz. Once you get on this wagon train, there’s no getting off. We’re riding this trail all the way to MLS Cup and beyond. Although we’re out here rockin’ the suburbs, we still have lots of love for our teams from the City of Fountains.
The group started during the 2016 season as a group of fanatic high schoolers from Olathe spending their school nights and weekends at CMP and road tripping across the Midwest supporting our Blue Hell Boyz. Now that we’re all grown up now and trying this adulting thing, it’s about time that we form this SG in hopes of staying connected through our love for SKC, as well as maybe find those fellow supporters in our area now who want a group to belong to and support SKC with. Wherever life takes us all, JoCo is our home and SKC is our team.
If you’re from JoCo and love SKC, the game of soccer, or would just like to get more involved as a Sporting fan, then come join us at CMP for a beer and 3 points! You can usually find members of our group in the Cauldron located in S7. We’re all pretty crazy for fútbol, so you might also find us at SKCii, Kaw Valley FC, KC Current, and KC Comets games! Our group is welcoming to all races, religions, creeds, sexualities, genders and affiliations. We will not tolerate any form of hate or bigotry. Our only prerequisites are that you support the team no matter the result for the full 90 minutes, and that you respect all of your fellow supporters.
Welcome to the Mahaffie Marauders! All aboard the wagon train! Blue Hell or Bust!